This is an ever expanding trying-to-be-all-inclusive FAQ where I'll seek to answer some of the questions that keep popping up. Read this before you email me something that is already on the list, this FAQ changes so even if you read it before do come back and check again. I eat people that don't do that, you were warned.

I've divided the FAQ into the following sections which may be added to, removed from and updated over time:

- What is the no-politics, no-religion, no-hate rule?
- That is just stupid! Change it! I want to show everyone how important I am by insulting people!
- I want you to write about.....
- You are wrong! This is how.....
- Is this blog part of the Band Of Strangers project?

About me
- Who are you?
- Are you a 'survivalist'?
- Can I email you?
- What is your view on......

About Zombie Squad
- What is Zombie Squad?
- Do you really believe in Zombies?
- How do I become a part of this illustrious organization?


- What is the no-politics, no-religion, no-hate rule?

The no-politics, no-religion, no-hate rule is simple; don't discuss politics, don't discus religion and don't post hate (including flaming and trolling). It is designed to allow a free flow of information about the topic this blog is about, i.e. prepping. If you want to discuss other stuff, there are plenty of other sites out there, go and find them. I base this idea on the rules of the Zombie Squad forum which can be found here.

- That is just stupid! Change it! I want to show everyone how important I am by insulting people! Plus my vews are far superior to yours! That's why you stop me from posting them!

The rules are final and will not change. If you can't stand them then please, don't let the door hit you on the way out...

- I want you to write about.....

Suggestions are always wanted, please email them to me. Alternately, if you have written about it already or want to post it here, please do, I'm always looking for more guest writers. 

- You are wrong! This is how.....

I make mistakes, we all do so please, do email me corrections or politely point out mistakes in the comments section. Also, please notice the difference between 'mistake' and 'opinion'. Mistakes are things that are wrong, in other words facts, opinions are interpretations of said facts. Here is an example:

"German Shepherd Dogs are also called poodles."

This is a mistake, German Shepherd Dogs are called Alsatians. Please politely point out the mistake to the author so they can correct it.

"German Shepherd Dogs are a good companion to have in a disaster because they are strong and loyal"

This is an opinion. You may think that having a German Shepherd Dog during a disaster is a bad idea, that is also an opinion. As adults we debate our opinions politely with each other on the comments section, throwing ideas back and forth so we become better informed and form opinions of our own. We do not send the author of the article hate mail saying how wrong they are.

- Is this blog part of the Band Of Strangers project?

Band of Strangers is my all encompassing umbrella for most of my projects, however I see this blog as more of a personal thing so, no, this blog is not part of Band of Strangers. This however may change given circumstances at a later date.

About me

- Who are you?

I am Jack Cope, a British citizen living and studying in wet and rainy country in South East Asia called Malaysia. You can read more about me on my personal blog.

- Are you a 'survivalist'?

'Survivalist' these days has a stigma attached to it, one of a religious nut who thinks the world will end and somehow that having loads of guns, a bunker and a year's supply of food will mean they can live through Armageddon. Personally, I think this is a load of crap but good luck to them. I am far more realistic and tend to consider myself as someone who is preparing to help myself and other survive any sort of disaster that might hit me. I do not tie my religion to this in any way, it is pure and simple surviving disaster.

- Can I email you?

Yes! However, I am still waiting for my official Zombie Squad email, in the meantime you can drop me a line at my 'general projects' email.

- What is your view on......
As part of the no-politics, no-religion, no-hate rule I tend not to discuss my views on X, Y and Z unless it is related to the blog content. However, my other blog does host my views etc on various subjects, feel free to browse over there.

About Zombie Squad
- What is Zombie Squad?

From the Zombie Squad website

Zombie Squad is an elite zombie suppression task force ready to defend your neighborhood from the shambling hordes of the walking dead. We provide trained, motivated, skilled zombie extermination professionals and zombie survival consultants. Our people and our training are the best in the industry.
When the zombie removal business is slow we focus our efforts towards educating ourselves and our community about the importance of disaster preparation.

To satisfy this goal we host disaster relief charity fundraisers, disaster preparation seminars and volunteer our time towards emergency response agencies.

Our goal is to educate the public about the importance of personal preparedness and self reliance, to increase its readiness to respond to disasters such as Earthquakes, Floods, Terrorism or Zombie Outbreaks. We want to make sure you are prepared for any crisis situation that might come along in your daily life which may include having your face eaten by the formerly deceased.

- Do you really believe in Zombies?

No. Zombie Squad uses the analogy of 'Zombies' for disaster, if you have to think of zombie as an analogy then treat it as a hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc. This provides a good base to build on spreading the message of prepping for disasters. Because if you can be prepared for zombies then you are ready for anything...

- How do I become a part of this illustrious organization?

Zombie Squad runs a website and forum where you will find lots of interesting people writing about survival that can be viewed here. I post on the forum under the handle of Cpt_Jack, see you there!